Wednesday 20 May 2015

What does it mean Irrigation Efficiency ?

If we are very lucky in operating irrigation system providing water to farmers in the community, 30% irrigation efficiency is the maximum number we can achieve. This is hardly seen in Cambodia, accepting the Chamlong Chrey pumping irrigation system in Kampot province which is equipped with electrical pumping station and concrete lining distribution system where the efficiency is about 50%.

What is then Irrigation Efficiency ? It is not about reaching 30% efficiency, Irrigation Efficiency is about why 70% of what is leaking and wasting. This means increasing an irrigation efficiency is the capacity to reduce lost of irrigation water into the drainage system. In Cambodia, it demands to increase the capacity and willingness of both Farmer Water User Community (FWUC) and Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology (PDWRAM) in managing and policing the irrigation system. 

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