Monday 30 May 2011

Irrigation water requirement for rice crops

Crop water requirement: it is an amount of water required by a crop for enjoying its optimum development condition throughout the four growth stage (initial, development, mid-season and late season stage). In different stage crops consume different amount of water which depends on the crop factor Kc.
By Penman Monteith, rice crop water requirement is estimated as following

ETc = Kc(rice)xETo + Per + W + S – Pe       , [mm]

Where :  
ETo        : Evapotranspiration estimated based on a model grass surface, [mm]
 Kc(rice)    : Crop factor for rice crop variety. It varies from between different stage
 Per         : water lost by percolation in to subground. It varies upon soil texture, [mm]
 W          : Water amount used for land preparation before direct seeding or transplanting, [mm]
 S           : Water stand in rice field, [mm]
Pe            : Effective rainfall, [mm]

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